Regarding how to deal with express packaging waste and sharing the issue of“green post"

Regarding how to deal with express packaging waste and sharing the issue of“green post

Regarding how to deal with express packaging waste and sharing the issue of“green post"

2020-10-22 09:09:53

State Post Bureau:Express packaging must be environmentally conscious
Regarding how to deal with express packaging waste and sharing the issue of“green post", Liu Jun, deputy director of the State Post Bureau, said that green development is a common aspiration of everyone and an integral part of social governance.Market entities and consumers must be environmentally conscious and form such a habit.
Regarding howto deal with express packaging waste and sharing the issue of“green post", Liu Jun responded:“I understand that green development is a sign of development level from the perspective of the country.It is also an industry maturity from our specific industry.The logo, we have developed to the existing stage, especially the business volume has reached such a peak, green packaging, green development has become a real problem to be solved."

Liu Jun said that green development is avery large system project.Only the packaging problems mentioned by netizens involve suppliers of packaging materials, express delivery companies, e commerce companies, merchants, etc., including consumers.Work together to solve.
First, we must lead the standard.In terms of packaging, materials need to be environmentally friendly and reduce the amount of reduction.These require standards.There are no hard standards and reference standards for the entire material and workflow organization.There is no binding force from the market players and the upstream factor market. Second, we must pass legal support.Green development is the common aspiration of everyone and an integral part of social governance.If the requirements are effective, it must be legally binding.From the use of environmentally friendly materials and recycling, there must be corresponding provisions of the law.
Liu Jun pointed out that the pressure to promote green development is relatively large, because it involves all aspects, so the difficulty is also conceivable.From the perspective of the State Post Bureau, we must resolutely implement the requirements of the State Council and respond to the expectations of consumers and netizens.This year, the State Post Bureau issued a plan to promote green packaging for express delivery, and promoted greening, standardization, reduction, and classification and recycling mentioned by netizens.In the process of advancing these work, I really feel that I have encountered many difficulties and problems.

Liu Jun stressed that it is more important for everyone to cultivate this awareness.Market players and consumers must have environmental awareness and form such a habit.What is more gratifying now is that some companies are already taking measures in this regard.For example, after the package is used, it can be recycled by means of points and rewards to promote the recycling of the package.At the sametime, the State Post Bureau is also promoting some new processes, and the boxes can be reused.This matter is avery complicated issue, and it also needs to be coordinated by various departments.Recently, the State Post Bureau and the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Commerce and other relevant ministries and commissions jointly promote this work, although difficult, but resolutely move forward.
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