Vegetable packing machine | The benefits of vegetable packaging

Vegetable packing machine | The benefits of vegetable packaging

Vegetable packing machine | The benefits of vegetable packaging

2022-02-15 16:53:07

Vegetable packing machine

Vegetable packaging is an important measure to ensure safe transportation and storage. With reasonable packaging, it is possible to keep vegetables in good condition during transportation, reduce damage caused by friction, collision, and extrusion, and reduce the spread of disease and damage. The water evaporates to prevent the vegetables from rotting and deteriorating due to the heat of scattered piles. The packaging can keep the vegetable products in good stability in circulation and improve the hygienic quality of the commodities.
There are also certain requirements for the packaging of vegetables. Since there is no nutrient supply after the vegetables are picked, the air permeability of the packaging bag must be ensured during packaging. Let the vegetables have enough oxygen to breathe. If the vegetables are sealed and packaged, the yellowing and decay of the vegetables will be accelerated, and it is not easy to store and transport. Therefore, during the packaging process of the vegetables, perforation will be set to facilitate the normal breathing of the vegetables.
Fruit and vegetable products are mostly crisp, tender and juicy commodities, which are easily damaged. In order to protect the products from damage during transportation, storage and sales, their packaging is essential. And with the e-commerce of the vegetable market, the packaging of vegetables has also been paid more and more attention by the majority of merchants. The packaged vegetables are not only improved in appearance, but also more convenient to carry.
vegetable packing machine